Koe No Katachi 2: Everything You need to Know (2024)

oe no Katachi also known as A Silent Voice is a great anime to watch, If you have watched it then I am pretty sure you want Koe no Katachi 2.

Currently, the anime has a single movie, which covers the whole story. We will see if there is any possibility to get another season or movie for the anime.

Koe No Katachi 2

Is there a Silent Voice Part 2?

Silent Voice is a single movie with no prequel or sequel yet. Why? Because the whole story is completely covered in the Movie already. The creator made 7 volumes with 64 chapters combined. So there is nothing left to cover.

The creator claims that the anime is over once and for all. Now there is something more about manga that which creator can cover as a few episodes of side stories. Possibilities are low, But it could still happen. Well if the author decides to do so.

I am talking about Koe no Katachi Special book not anything named Koe no Katachi 2. This Special manga is only 1 volume long in duration.

You should try reading it, and I recommend reading it after either watching Koe no Katachi anime or reading Manga.

Is Koe no Katachi Worth Watching?

Let’s be honest most of you people reading this might have either watched Koe no Katachi as your first anime movie or loved it. Or you probably have started watching anime because of this movie.

My first movie was Kimi no Na Wa, and this was the 2nd one I watched. Both are mostly similar to each other than any other movie.

The first half of the story is like an American bullying tv show, But the story changes everything once the Main character realizes his mistakes.

He doesn’t know if he has still time to fix everything, But he tries his best to do so. I started watching anime because of movies and once I was out of ideas, to watch similar movies. At the time I had no choice but to watch the anime series.

I would highly recommend this movie to a person who wants me to suggest them movies with the listed genres above.

The theme of the anime was not as distributed as the category bullying indicates. This is the complete opposite of what the other anime show with the same genres.

According to Myanimelist, This movie is in the top 3 anime movies of all time. Ranking above movies like Your Name and Violet Evergarden Movie.


The conclusion of writing this whole post is to tell you there will be no Koe no Katachi 2. No sequel movie or anime is coming. Why? Because the creator has covered the whole original story already into this anime.

For more reports and Reviews on anime like this one check out my previous blogs. They might help you find something good and related to what you are searching for.

These are some of the questions, Which are frequently asked about the anime’s 2nd season and related to them. Let’s take a look at them.

Is the Silent Voice Based on Off a True Story

No, the story is fiction and doesn’t have anything to do with reality. There isn’t any proof of it being 100 real.

Koe no Katachi 2 Release Date

Koe no Katachi 2 isn’t coming that’s the most promising answer I can tell you. The story is over the creator is done with this project. So I think it is safe to say you should move on, or maybe wait for the author to create a more amazing series.

Koe no Katachi manga ending: Explanation

Like I said earlier the story of Anime movie is 100% taken from the original manga. So there is no doubt the story of the manga is the same as the movie. This includes the starting, Climax, and ending too.

Does Koe no Katachi have a Happy Ending?

Yes, and these are the most common question asked for every anime series possible. Does Koe no Katachi or any other anime have a happy ending?

Well, It does have a happy ending. Everything goes the way it should. Honestly, I don’t think there could be any other ending that might be as good as this one. For further information, I recommend You should watch the movie to know what I am talking about.

It is popular for a few reasons. The first reason is its story, How the main character changes after being a horrible human being. Not many anime are like this, so when people watch this anime movie or manga they start to like this character and most of them find it Relatable.

The 2nd reason for this anime being popular is its animation and its composition. Also, this anime has good graphics and animation, plus the characters are likable and annoying too.

I hope all these answers related to Koe no Katachi 2 helped you know more about the series.

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